Annual Summit 2017

Annual Summit Session
Ingar Skaug, former Group CEO of Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA, Chairman of Center for Creative Leadership (NC, USA), Chairman of Nordic Trust AS, Board Member of Maritime Battery Forum, author of “Levende lederskap” (Aschehoug, 2015)
Sverre Lodgaard, Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of Foreign Affairs<div
Kari Due-Andresen, Chief Economist, Handelsbanken Capital Markets
Rystad Energy, Oslo
Per Olaf Brett, Ulstein International AS, Ulsteinvik
Tore Ulstein, Chairman and Co-Owner Ulstein Group ASA, and President NHO
Klaus Stoltenberg, Chairman of Global Shipping, Deutsche Bank AG, Hamburg
Erik Hånell, CEO, Stena Bulk AB, Gothenburg
Walter Qvam, Chairman, DIGITALNORWAY, formerly CEO of Kongsberg Group
Nicolai Hansteen, Head of Corporate Development, Lorentzen & Stemoco AS
Mark Williams, Managing Partner, Affinity Research LLP, London<div
Matthew Guest, Head of Deloitte’s Digital Strategy Practice in EMEA, London
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